Friday, February 01, 2008
Link Backlog
I no longer have time, or security clearance to blog from work. Stuff I'd like to blog on weekdays tends to pile up in my Google reader shared items. This is a recent selection for posterity:So I guess I got kicked off another my little pony forum. Photoshopped but awesome. Sample quote: "your picture of stalin riding a Year3 Limited Edition Starflower...was both upsetting and historically inaccurate." Safari Premium. WANT! more than any other shoe of 2008. For the first time in forever it's a shoe I know I'll buy more than one pair of. WOTD: sprach•ge•fühl A feeling for language; an ear for the idiomatically correct or appropriate. A map of crop dominance in the US David Simon: "My standard for verisimilitude is simple and I came to it when I started to write prose narrative: fuck the average reader. I was always told to write for the average reader in my newspaper life. The average reader, as they meant it, was some suburban white subscriber with two-point-whatever kids and three-point-whatever cars and a dog and a cat and lawn furniture. He knows nothing and he needs everything explained to him right away, so that exposition becomes this incredible, story-killing burden. Fuck him. Fuck him to hell." A picture of Jason Schwarzman and Scarlett Johansson dressed as Louis and Marie using a Powerbook Tim Westwood to Zane Lowe: "Your cheese game is strong" A video of a very lazy cat being run over by a remote control car.
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