Friday, October 26, 2007

Four years of ephemera and marginalia

I started this blog exactly four years ago. I never expected to still be here commenting inconsequentially about so many trivialities. Several times I've stopped blogging, but as Jay-Z says "everytime I felt that was that...they call me right back". Right now Technorati rates this as the world's 39,000th most important blog, which sounds unimpressive, until you remember that they're tracking 109.5 million blogs. That puts this in the top 0.03% of all blogs. If that's any measure of success I owe it principally to those kind people with bigger and better blogs, who have sometimes been interested enough in things I've written or linked to, to send visitors my way. I have no salient advice for would be bloggers, except to write little and often about the things that interest you, and stick at it. Longevity seems to count for a lot, although that could just be survival bias. One of the principle disadvantages of being read by mostly strangers is that it's more difficult to write about yourself. I don't have an "About Page", but I thought I'd link to something I recently wrote from my RealLife™. Of all the things I've ever written for my career, it's had far and away the most attention, and it was only published a few days ago:
Do Women with Female Ejaculation Have Detrusor Overactivity? Cartwright R, Elvy S, and Cardozo L. J Sex Med 2007;4(6):1655–1658.
So the truth has outed; in my real life, I write about female ejaculation for sex journals.

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