Thursday, June 28, 2007
Greg Packer: Obsessive Queuer
Greg Packer is currently first in line at the 5th Avenue Apple Store, waiting to purchase an iPhone. He is an obsessive liner-upperer, and always arrives first. Among his "achievements":
"He was first in the line to see ground zero when the viewing platform opened at the World Trade Center site December 30, 2001. He was the first in line in 1997 to sign the condolence book at the British consulate when Princess Diana died. He slept outside in the snow in Washington in January 2001 to be the first in line to greet President George W. Bush after his inauguration."I'm probably going to hell for quoting Anne Coulter, but she rightly points out that there is something amiss when Packer
"is apparently the entire media's designated "man on the street" for all articles ever written. He has appeared in news stories more than 100 times as a random member of the public."The NYT describe him as "The Master of the Sound Bite". Frankly I'm jealous of his life affirming commitment to something so utterly vapid. (via)
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