Monday, October 23, 2006
The Perfect 80's Cartoon Murder
Call off the search for the "perfect murder". Charles Henson has already found the method. He broke into his ex-wife's house, and knowing she suffered from latex-induced anaphylactic shock, attempted to suffocate her with his latex-gloved hand. However it emerged in evidence in court, that while he tried to subdue her, he screamed "By the power of Grayskull". The judge, perhaps rightly, saw this as evidence of psychiatric disturbance, and adjourned the case, pending assessment. Obviously if you were planning to recreate this murder, all He-Man catchphrases would be off-limits, as obvious evidence of copycatting. Instead I have prepared a list of key 80's cartoon catchphrases, that will certainly get you certified:
Thunder, thunder, Thundercats Hoooooo!
Form arms and legs.
When Eric eats a banana, an amazing transformation occurs - Eric is Bananaman
Dangermouse, Powerhouse, he's the fastest he's the quickest he's the best!Any other suggestions? rufus dot cartwr1ght at gmail dot com.
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