Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Mashed Potato A La Robuchon

Method 1 (Steingarten/Bourdain combo style): Peel and slice the potatoes into 1cm thick discs. Place in unsalted water at 175F, and cook for 20 minutes at 160F. Drain and chill immediately, then recook in simmering salted water until done. Mash with a potato ricer then combine with butter, then hot cream.
Method 2 (Downes style) Bake the potatoes with the skins on. Peel and cut into 2cm cubes and boil. Then mash with melted butter alone.
Controversially, the clear winner was the prebaked potato. It was fluffy and creamy and pretty much everything you could want from mashed potato. The Steingarten method produced a mash that was just too rich in fat. Perhaps my mashing technique was inadequate, but I couldn't get the same light texture. I have a lot of faith in Steingarten's dogged approach to kitchen experimentation, but this was a failure. I'm going to do my next batch with the Heston Blumenthal method, which involves preboiling like Steingarten, but then has pureeing through a tamis like Thomas Keller. Perhaps that's the secret of the perfect pomme de terre.
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