Thursday, April 13, 2006

A YouTube Top 10

YouTube is incredible for some niche topics like skateboarding, japanese game shows and My Humps videos. Here's a random recent list of faves:

10. Embryonic Rodney Mullen, pulling huge casper flips before he even learned to walk. Incredible how early he became so unbelievably much the best skateboarder in the history of ever:

9. Robo-One styled on Gundam:

8. King Ad Rock shooting hoops in the Beastie Boys' custom halfpipe/basketball court on Rappin' with the Rickster. A show that never made it to UK TV, and we can now see why.

7. Chris Haslam just utterly ruling: one footed manuals, one footed rails, darkslides, more caspers etc. The new Mullen.

6. Obscene stop motion Lego animation (NSFW soundtrack):

5. The Pinball Song from Sesame Street, an undeniable classic:

4. The Muppet Babies themesong, which has been on constant rotation in my head for the last 19 years:

3. Harbin Ice World, a zoo that functions like the Colosseum. They have 50 Siberian tigers (approx), and tourists pay $60 for a live sheep to be introduced into the enclosure.

2. A bicycle land speed record goes disasterously wrong, and the Japanese safety attendants prove they know nothing about C-spine safety:

1. Snakes on a Plane the rough cut:

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PS I take no responsibility for you trying to play all 10 videos at once. It will almost certainly break your eardrums, if not your soundcard.

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