Thursday, April 27, 2006
Last time I checked "shag" was not an obscene word, being among other things a type of carpet, and diving bird, not dissimilar to a diminutive cormorant. By blanking out the third letter in "sh*gs", I am led to assume that The Daily Star think John Prescott is a "shog". The Urban Dictionary helpfully inform us that "shogs" are:As I've often complained linkblogging is dying a death when there are amazing sites like Popurls to aggregate links for you. Beautiful, functional, and full of linky goodness. Two amazing Google Earth hacks: Google Earth Kismac Plugin that visualises the kismac database of hacked and open wireless networks (warchalking seems so long ago!), and free Sketchup integrating with Google Earth, so you can model your house and add it to the map. Delightfully dotty Soy Joy japanese snack bar site, from where I picked up Word Of The Day: Sanzasi, a synonym for Hawthorn. Phrase of the day via /.: patent troll. Finally more awesome japanese marketing: Pepsi Ice Smash Racing. An addictive game with great animation and a catchy soundtrack.
A group of men who like to perform felatio on hairy men...[sic]This impression is further confirmed by the sub-headline: "There's hope for fat old gits everywhere". I guess the least of the Deputy Prime Minister's worries is that he has been labelled/libelled in this unfortunate way. (see also two jags, and two sheds.)
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