Friday, July 01, 2005
Sharapova may be out of Wimbers, but you can still enjoy her moans and grunts thanks to the BBC's Queen of Screams Audio Sampler. (Thanks, Paddy!)There's this girl in a bikini, and you kind of drop her, and she bounces off stuff, and it's like so cool man...Tetka, Flash Friday Fun.Best headline of the week is either: Boffins create zombie dogs or King of Chavs Finally Gets ASBO (cover of the Guardian!)The Loch Ness Tooth conspiracy looks like slick viral marketing...until you see the shots of the shredded deer.What your bowels look like from the perspective of a Smart PillThe Chicken's Suit Collection, for people (and their chickens) who are too into Eglus.Futura's desk is made of Lego™, an idea he stole from Microserfs.How to cook a whale found dead: "...the first step is to call for a party and invite all your friends, relatives, and local dignitaries."

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