Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The reliably incredible J-Walk created this spoof Google Content Blocker. I downloaded the Webaccelerator on the first day, and behind my work firewall it has managed to save me 0.0 seconds. Actually scrap that, because it took time to download and install, and I had to read the disclaimer, including the patronising bit that said
"This is not the usual yada yada, nor is it the same yada yada you may have read when installing Google Toolbar"
So, so far the WebAccelerator has cost me time, reduced my privacy, and presumably enriched Google in some mysterious manner (whether financial or merely informational I'm unclear). What bothers me most is that I could now conceivably spend an entire day of web noodling without ever downloading a page from anywhere but Google's servers. My email, my shopping (via Froogle), my blogging (via Blogger), my searching (obvs), and now all my surfing could be hosted by Larry and Sergey. Under the cover of all the interesting talk about GooOS, is it possible that Google secretly stole the whole internet? Maybe, in the not too distant future the whole web will be on Google's servers, and no-one will bother hosting it anywhere else. It will be the Walmartization of the internet. My prediction for the future of Google, is a swift move into webhosting and DNS. After all they're already caching everyone's sites, why shouldn't they offer to host them for free? Since every putative phenomenon needs a catchy name, I'll call this GoogleDaddy.

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