Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Always on the look out for a hot meme. Daisy sent me this picture of her hanging out with Paris. No sooner had I enjoyed it, than I found this photostream of people hanging out with Lindsay Lohan.
PS If you're in Zurich, go see Daisy's new show, until the 28th of May.Word of the day is: lingweenie, someone who can't invent neologisms. A sneaker shop that treats wovens with respect. DIY high altitude ballooning. Great Halo 2 corpse humping vids. Sometime in the next 24 hours this site will see its 100,000 visitor. I just thought I ought to say thank you to everyone who keeps coming back to read this piffle and nonsense.
PS If you're in Zurich, go see Daisy's new show, until the 28th of May.
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