Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Coca-Cola Co want the grey market in sweet sweet Mexican Coke stopped, but luckily Dr Soda is fighting the ban with online ordering. Meanwhile PepsiCo get the wrong end of the stick trying to introduce repulsive Mirinda to the States.No sooner than I predicted the launch of a PSP web browser than it exists. A wondrous hack!Derren Brown is a creepy fraudulent sack 'o' shit, and I'm betting the "highly suggestible" people who appear on his show, far from being under the influence of "mind control", are under the influence of cash from an extras agency. Simon Singh has other problems with this charlatan.Butter Couple is like Hot Or Not vs Friendster.How is it that sometimes the most environmentally unfriendly nonsense is able to dress itself up as healthy? Dolphin 2 makes "pure" water from air, in a brilliant use of fossil fuels. I'm hoping someone catches Legionnaire's from this thing and sues them out of existence.
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