Tuesday, February 08, 2005

"The Queen's favourite film is Assault on Precinct 13 (1976)"
In the midst of The Florence pub quiz last night, after too much Rhubarb and Crumble Vodka, former guest blogger Charlie Beez said that he had "read this in The Guardian, and The Spectator." It seems totally unbelievable now in the cold light of day, but somehow it was accepted as truth.
30 seconds fact checking this morning reveals that it was nothing more that a bald lie, sourced from a partially spoof Jubilee article. (In fact rumour suggests that Yellow Submarine is the Queen's actual favourite.)
Despite this blurring of truth and fiction, "Team Duck Butter", as we chose to be called, rolled to a stunning pub quiz win (of £40 of beer vouchers). The essential pub quiz problem is not basic General Knowledge. With enough people on a team, someone will probably have a fair idea of the correct answer. The problem to be overcome is one of alcohol vs quality control. As everybody gets drunker it gets harder to distinguish inebriated guesswork from inspired trivia knowledge. As with poker, pub quiz supremacy is probably easiest to acheive sober.

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