Monday, December 20, 2004

Farewell to Blighty
It turns out that being unemployed means you have complete freedom to go out partying every night, get completely smashed at any time of day for the merest hint of a reason, and squander any remaining sober minutes playing GTA:SA. It also turns out that such physical and mental degeneracy makes it almost impossible to blog. Hence there were no updates at all this weekend.
Not entirely sadly, I am leaving for South Africa this afternoon. I shall be spending five weeks doing practically almost nothing. As is customary I have hand-selected a guest blogger to keep the updates rolling. Exceptionally, given the length of my absence, I have granted him permission to select his own guest-guest-blogger should the task become too tiresome.
Hopefully, if he can overcome his morbid fear of HTML he might open his innings this afternoon, thus he needs an urgent introduction. He is Charlie Beez, the leader of the legendary Mantle of Beez, DJ, producer, broadcast journalist, and now with a new string to his bow. He's has just returned from a european tour as percussionist with gWem, the most feted heros of the franco-german "micromusic" scene.
I'm quite sure he will do an admirable job, and I really ought already to have done my packing, so just a few links:

  • Strangely SFW (though perhaps not if you step back from the screen): Deep Throat in ASCII. (suggested by Jonky Cat)
  • Alain de Botton claimed in the Sunday Times last week: " I now wear the same Gap black trousers and blue shirts and the same grey Benetton jumper every day." Strangely I saw him out and about on Sunday wearing ordinary blue jeans. While I appreciate that even philosophers have a public persona to cultivate, it seems a foolish lie. Unless of course he was in disguise from the hordes of philosopher groupies.
  • I always think communism is on the slide, but then I read this: Octopus Cannon Protest disrupts opening of McDonald's in communist French town.
  • Thriller in LEGO™
  • Star Wars Holiday Special available on (bootleg) DVD. (get it now, since suprnova seems to have gone supernova.)
  • George Bush: Person of the Year 2004, for "reshaping the rules of politics". How about for reshaping the rules of the Geneva Convention? Way to go Time Magazine.
  • See ASIMO run. I'm fricking suspicious that he's never actually airborne, but you can peruse the video to your own satisfaction.

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