Monday, November 15, 2004
Ant Kendo, insectoid martial arts have never seemed so essential.At first when you see The Superior Semen Works you might guess that it's some kind of perverse sex site; then you realise that they're really all about goat semen, and you breathe a sigh of relief; finally you check out the fruity pictures of people with their oddly named goats and realise they are a bunch of sickos after all.Swearing in Spectrum text adventures,the definitive guide.$99 make-your-own hologram kit. They made a tiny holo-Princess Leia, obvious but cool.And as a point of housekeeping, for those who like to arrive here via EarthCallingRufus, that URL will shortly be defunct. I'm saving a whole $7.95 to invest in even more excellent content here at howithappened.
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