Sunday, October 17, 2004
Did you hear about the rumors on the internets? (Maybe they are about somebody who forgot Poland.)Motherload is an old-school 8-bit Martian mining game. You have to make subterranean trips to fetch precious ores, then resell them for cash, fuel, and mining ship upgrades. It looks horrible, it plays clunkily, there's no obvious goals, and yet it stole an hour of my time before I tore myself away. Don't say you weren't lives on in the form of Nixta Sinks, which seems to bear more than a passing resemblence to this site. Note to self, must design own template.Vitamin Q, a blog of silly lists (not entirely dissimilar to Schott's) has a book out, based on the blog. Congratulations you lousy sell-outs! Rest assured that That's How will never submit to the intense pressure to sell out. (Well, not unless subject to a six figure bidding war).If London Were Like Venice, click through for old school (well Victorian actually) photoshopping of canals into London landmarks. (via)Les Nuits de Monsieur Snoozleberg, couldn't be more french if it tried. It's so totally wilfully euro-goofy, it makes me want to boycott cheese, and eat freedom fries. It is a flash game, in which you try to adjust various objects to help the aforementioned Monsieur Snoozleberg sleepwalk without waking.Absolutely nutty hack for Robosapien. The author has disemboweled his poor Robosapien to add a spycam and a PC interface for programming new routines. I suspect his Robosapien still sucks, but full marks for ingenuity."The chips could be implanted in Alzheimer's patients in case they get lost." Now personal RFID chips have been licensed by the FDA, they've finally started to draw some real heat from civil liberties types. (Though I like the idea of being able to "scan patients like cans at a grocery store.")I'm declaring now that saying that anything has "jumped the shark", is an indication that in your desperation to stay zeitgeisty you have "jumped the shark". (I mention this only because Gawker has apparently "jumped the shark".)And in a mini round-up of hip hop happiness: the new Nas track (various formats) collaborating with his father Olu Dara is surely the most progressive rap record this year; and on this side of the Atlantic, Dizzee Rascal has made a pretty damn funny new video (QT) spoofing kids BBC shows of the 50s.

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