Monday, September 06, 2004

Playing with my dongle.
I'm not dead, I've just been at a charming wedding in a pocket of South Devon entirely unblessed by post-war communications tech. No internet access, no mobile reception, barely a hand cranked phonograph for entertainment. In a desperate effort to prevent my brain atrophying to 1995 levels of incuriousness, I tried to find something fun to do with Bluetooth.
The so-called "Queen of Bluejacking" is a 13 year old girl called Jellie-Ellie, which is some indication of how innocuous bluejacking actually is. I couldn't find anything fun to do via bluetooth at a wedding. However having purchased a rather smart dongle, which links my iMac to my phone, and done a little research, I see there are several entertaining bluetooth possibilities:
1. Make a kick-ass bluetooth micro helicopter. So beyond my tech prowess, but drop-dead awesome.
2. Use your phone to control your iMac remotely, a little less ambitious, but still cool.
3. Pick up anonymous strangers for casual sex, not that you need to do this via Bluetooth.
4. Control your iMac really remotely (without leaving it hooked up to broadband) via SMS and Bluetooth. (Or just manage your SMSs on the desktop).
5. This is my own visionary imagination, but surely you could make an Ocean's 11 style Bluetooth "EMP" Virus Bomb? The Economist have sent Bluespam, so it can't be impossible to widely distribute SymbOS.Cabir in a viral explosion using a modified BlueGun to corrupt phones across a wide area. Obviously I'm not really au-fait with Symbian virus programming, but if this does happen, I so want credit for the idea.

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