Friday, August 13, 2004

Why is it that you never know how much you don't know?
Today I dis-abused myself of three separate long-held mis-apprehensions:
1. The Bourne Supremacy is not the sequel to The Thomas Crown Affair.
Seems obvious now doesn't it, but for weeks I've been dying to see The Bourne Supremacy, slightly wondering why Matt Damon has the lead role, not Pierce Brosnan, and a little confused that the plot doesn't seem to be about cat-burglaring. The sad thing is that I fricking hated The Bourne Identity.
2. "Natch" is short for "Naturally".
I have been trying to use the word "Natch" for months, but only today did I realise that I had no idea at all what it means. And now it's too late because truncated words are officially passe.
3. Tummy buttons are either innies or outies because nature made them that way, not because mid-wives and doctors tie different sorts of knots.
This one is so demented. I've worked on a labour ward for over two years, and all this time I've maintained my childhood delusion about umbilicae. There is no knotting, it just makes itself that way.

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