Thursday, August 26, 2004
I know most of you are now strangers, not actual friends, but please bear with me for an indulgent personal post. I've had the strangest 24 hours. It began with a protracted session of square sake and round okonomiyaki (above, via moblog!!). Then followed the most appalling work shift of seemingly endless operative deliveries. After delivering a baby I'm always hopeful that the parents might choose to call it Rufus. That never happens. Nor do they ever send champagne or cigars. The best I ever do is the odd thank you card (which is still much appreciated). However today, as I had nearly dropped dead from exhaustion, a new father offered me his newborn daughter's hand in marriage when she turned 18. Best thank you present ever? I was so tired I struggled to do the math. Me, as a 45 year old, in need of a second, or perhaps third wife, in an arranged marriage with an unwilling south London teenager. You'll be pleased to know that I had the good grace to decline. But for a moment it was very tempting.
The oddness continues in the linkage:
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