Wednesday, August 18, 2004

  • As far as I'm aware no-one's blog has ever been used as evidence in a libel courtcase. Liquid Generation are either pretty damn certain Mary-Kate is a coke fiend, or else they ought to be appearing in court soon. Before the cease and desist orders put a stop to the fun, enjoy Mary-Kate Olsen: Crackman, in which Mary-Kate must clear the maze of lines of coke, and the power pills are diet pills, natch. (See I used it!)

  • Scandal at the BBC! Not quite Jayson Blair level deception, but I was disappointed to see the same stock photo passed off as an actual news photo in these two bee swarm news articles.

  • List of company name etymologies.

  • Giant squid captured. In college I used to be regularly invited to Sunday lunch with Andrew Huxley. He had won his Nobel Prize for neuro-physiological experiments performed on the "giant squid axon". That's actually just a large neuron from a regular sized squid. It's so big it could be cannulated with the naked eye, which allowed his ground breaking research. However at each and every Sunday lunch a clueless arts/humanities student would unwittingly confuse the giant squid axon with actual giant squid. Professor Huxley had actually seen a real giant squid when he worked at Wood's Hole, and despite repetition the ensuing story was always fascinating. Sadly they always served a roast, never calimari rings.

  • Take someone called George Lazenby, the actual Dr Oliver Sacks, one kilogram of iridium pellets, the largest arc furnace in the US, and three "batshit crazy russians", and what do you get? The best blog entry you'll read all year. This is the kind of awesome geek stuff the internet was invented for.

  • Pixelfield is a really nice, old school playability meets new school design game. Excellent.

  • The Olympig Movement ought to provide a few moments of chubby naturist Latvian fun. (Kinda NSFW, but so healthy and well, natural).It's so well made it's not immediately obvious whether it's an actual McDonalds promo or an anti-McDonalds adbust. The new McDonald's salad's aren't actually so awful, and you do get a free pedometer. I've been wearing one on each hip, trying to figure out if I'm a pure ambiturner, or if I have a preference. (Which after all is one of the perils of being really really good-looking.)

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