Friday, July 30, 2004
SeeWhatYouShare have been diligently scouring P2P networks for other people's personal photos. Voyeuristic fun.
The Great Molasses Disaster.
Get in on the Paypal class action now. Your share of $3.2 million is waiting (sounds like a 419 scam doesn't it?)!
This week my brother trialled a new piece of software that allows you to read without moving your eyeballs. It projects the words directly into the field of view of your macula, while you crank the dial to increase your reading speed. He got up to 750 wpm on Alice In Wonderland, blitzing the opening chapters in a few minutes. This different pointless online app lets you test your reading speed against JFK's inaugural address and another piece of fiction (like I couldn't time myself with a book?). The two pieces are each only 850 words, and I easily nailed them inside of a minute, (average is a paltry 200-250 wpm). I will admit to concentrating pretty damn hard: when really pushed I scan two lines at once, while simultaneously interpreting the previous two lines. I'm sure this technique is only in the amateur leagues of speed readers though. I guess I now need a test of my comprehension and recall to see whether my method is actually effective.Cartoons made from airline safety cards.No gmail invite yet? Now you have a 2 to the power 99 chance of winning one.(or just ask me nicely).The Guardian is now the net's number one primary news source. If they could somehow buy out Google News they would have a tasty first mover advantage.World's first synthetic prion. Grey goo is coming!Pokia, the hands free set from the sixties.Fingerskating still lame (now teutonic and lame).

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