Friday, July 16, 2004
At the risk of joing the ranks of the accursed neophiliacs, I should like to suggest that whereas i (as in iMac and iPod) was once the new e (as in email and e-commerce), now clearly G is the new i, not just as in Gmail, but now as in GMileage a completely unrelated product.
Sharp little piece of journalism about suspicious possible terrorist activity on a US internal flight. The heady levels of fear and paranoia read like the movie Arlington Road.
Ass-licking Vincent Gallo interview, tries to rewrite the history of the Cannes fiasco.
Extreme bad taste alert: Miss Georgia Sex Offenders Pageant 2004. I actually totally disapprove of naming and shaming child molesters, but it's fun to name and shame hot 23 year olds who got convicted of statutory rape, or very hot 25 year olds who were unlucky enough to be arrested for public indecency.
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