Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Two reasonably prominent blogs, Glamorama and SSTPeabs, have died inside of a week. This actually got me concerned for the mortality of my own dear blog. It takes a surprising amount of work to churn out this garbage, and the rewards are relatively obscure. I get a certain satisfaction from the exponential growth of my hit counter (over 3000 hits last week, mostly because a black porn site linked directly to my stolen pictures of Cam's pink Range Rover.) I also get a little thrill from the nice emails from strangers, and I delight in the verbal interplay of the comments, most of which come from friends.
On the negative side I get a sense of dread everytime someone I know (most recently my father's agent) discovers my blog my chance. There are far too many references to Lindsay Lohan for me to be quite comfortable with semi-acquaintances judging me on the basis of my web output.
The dilemma is that I neither want to write exclusively about my daily affairs (hello, Kottke's Doormat, famous as the worst post in the history of blogging), which might be of marginal interest to people who really know me; nor to I want to become a single issue blog (e.g. celeb gossip, questionable legality MP3s, underage teen starlets) which would pull in a more focused sort of traffic. Instead I want to carry on pouring out this stream of eclectic nonsense onto the virtual page. With this in mind today's links are as ever utterly unthemed:

  • Best Google answers evs? Why Crocodiles can't stick out their tongues, why Betty Rubble was the last Flinstone to be included in the Flintstones Vitamins, and 43 other fascinating factoids answered for just $5 plus tip.

  • People Falling Over is a really focused blog, dealing exclusively with comedic human perils. If the Darwin Awards is the Oscars of human misadventure, People Falling Over is the MTV Movie Awards.

  • Petals Around The Rose is an awesome puzzle, whose secret can never be revealed only solved. I took around 20 rolls to crack it, which is considerably faster than Bill Gates managed to solve it.

  • If that's too brainy for you try this flash bubble game, like a cross between Go and Bubble Bobble, except more fun than that would be.

  • Do you remember that thingy in school where you would fold up a square of paper into a kind of quadruple fingermouse, then say this dorky rhyme and pick your favourite number? I kinda forgot the details too, but that thingy was actually a sort of flexagon.

  • Awesome collection of photos of passed out dipshits who've been fucked over by their "friends", though obvs as a doctor I completely disapprove.

  • URL DJ is beautifully designed, but their link-mixes are all distinctly MOR. More Jo Wiley than John Peel.

  • These comic fonts are so WHAMMO awesome that they might well feature in the upcoming That's How It Happened site re-design. Hooray!

  • Comments:
    feature in the upcoming That's How It Happened site re-design Download The Room Three Mod Apk

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