Tuesday, June 15, 2004
I've spent the afternoon in a hammock in the garden, watching my beehive, and updating my CV. Never has wifi seemed so essential. Recently boingboing has been in decline. Too often recently they've been hyping personal projects, or just too slow with the key links. However today marks an exception, all these three links are in part via boingboing:
My Yahoo Mail account just upgraded to 100Mb. I think this goes for new signups too. I'm loving my gmail 1Gb though. The interface is fast and intuitive. My only gripes are that my work firewall somehow blocks it, and that it's not yet Safari or IE5.1 for Mac compatible.
Great how-to on hacking iTRIP to boost its measly range. (for malign purposes).
Prince Charles' fears about "grey goo" may have been allayed by Eric Drexler, but I'm still terrified that the world will be swamped by qoo (click through at your peril!).
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