Sunday, June 13, 2004
All work and no play:
SeatGuru helps you find long haul legroom.
The Garbage Trucker Hat (a milinery pleonasm).
Patron saint of That's How, Kim Jong-Il orders pizza, hilarity ensues.
The Gmail boycott is on at
The "Two Things" theory states that any topic can be fully understood, having grasped only two concepts about the subject. For example: The Two Things about Being a House Husband: 1. That can wait until tomorrow. 2. That can too.
Dan Greenpeace played an awesome, all Beastie Boys, 2 hour show last night. He picked two of my favourite remixes, (Sure Shot, Large Professor; Root Down, Free Zone.) Tracklist here. Whole album streamable here, (complete with hopeless comments on each track from the 'Boys).
Hopefully it's not too late to jump on these bandwagons but Deerhoof and TV on the Radio are like my new favourite bands.
97% of you shouldn't CLICK HERE, and other insane foolery courtesy of Everlasting Blort.
Awesome rock climbing robot videos.
Teens and tramps favourite tipple Thunderbird was the wine that made the fortunes of Ernst and Julio. Who knew?
NASA have made a kick ass lightsaber training droid: publicity whores.
Did you think the corpses on Six Feet Under were just actors holding their breath? Wrong! This gem brought to you via "your leading source for deathcare industry news".
Lastly and perhaps leastly, Japanese scientists have invented an actual factual invisibility cloak.
That's more than enough, I think I have linkage burnout, I must go and rest my brain.
That's more than enough, I think I have linkage burnout, I must go and rest my brain.
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