Friday, April 30, 2004

Thank goodness that Dr. Rufus found a computer from which to post yesterday as I was busy elsewhere trying to mix as much wine, beer, champagne, more beer and dancing downstairs at Asylum (oh and some nasty Greek vino at Vasis) in my poor unsuspecting system. Catching up with old friends can be so exhausting, and despite my best efforts led to my second lost storm proof umbrella in as many umbrella laden outings.

In looking for a link for Asylum, my eye was caught by this page mentioning Asylum and Portorož in the same breath (I grew up on the beach there every summer). As an exercise in bytestream of consciousness (or is it six degrees of stupidity) it's interesting that MCSleazy has remixes of songs available for MP3 download just as I've discovered the wonders of BitTorrent (which discovery I intend to share with the world very soon), which raises related questions. Is it Ok for me to download episodes of the supreme Chappelle's Show for my enjoyment when I've paid to have them broadcast to me back home and they're sitting on my cable box awaiting my next return (which will be for my Green Card interview in June - I'm trying to get my M. Depardieu haircut cultivated)? I'm going to presume that the answer is yes.

Maybe I'm just too hungover, but this game seems remarkably challenging by level two or three (apologies if this has been posted here before). Mr. Wonka's glamorous magic is sorely missed.

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