Sunday, March 07, 2004

I just watched The Game for like the nth time. It doesn't really bear rewatching, too dependent on the final sting in the tail. Anyway I never noticed before, but Spike Jonze has a tiny cameo. He plays the guy who operates the airbag that catches Michael Douglas as he jumps off the skyscraper. In the original script he doesn't even have a speaking part. I couldn't really imagine why Spike would take such a role. He's legendarily shy, massively wealthy, and until recently happily married, so what would motivate him to get off his ass for such a blink-and-you'll-miss-it bit part? This profile from the New York Metro, has a clue:
"Deep in the back of his head," says Field, "Spike wants to be a stuntman."
What better way to live out your macho stuntman fantasy, (apart from jumping from speeding cars) than to play a stunt co-ordinator in a hit movie? Notably Spike also wrote a great article about filming a video for DJ Hurricane, in which he and Ad-Rock jump from the roofs of various Hollywood hotels, into the pools. I suspect that article featured in Grand Royal 3. So there you have it, Spike Jonze: pathologically shy, and yet obsessed with pretending to be a stuntman.

While I'm busy worrying about the Coppola/Jonze clan: horrifying news from Spain. I was under the impression that the final whispered words of Lost In Translation were: "Write about this, tell the truth." I though this was a reasonably pithy resonant conclusion. Apparently though the Spanish redub has Bill Murray very audibly say: "You're the best thing that has happened in my life. Never forget that smile." Just awful. The script hasn't yet been made public, so it's pure speculation as to whether this twee line is a Spanish confabulation, or genuine Coppola. Distressingly, in this interview Bill Murray implies that the line is not in the script at all.

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