Saturday, February 07, 2004

The problem of the Champion Vandals isn't getting any easier. They look too crisp and clean to actually vandalise. There is a whole exhibition of just this shoe in Berlin this month, designed by Geoff, but I thought that was too far to travel for inspiration. Instead I've written to Geoff directly:

Dear Mr McFetridge,
I am a longtime huge fan of your work. Ever since Grand Royal in fact. I even went to the Cooper-Hewitt last year to see your stuff, and I live in London. Anyhow I was really looking forward to your Vandal sneakers. I bought a pair in blue when they came out, and then started to freak out. They just look so damn good all deadstock and fresh in their box. I can't hardly bear to attack them. Some lamers on the Nike Talk forums are saying they're going to let them erode through normal use. Intellectually I know that's hogwash, but emotionally I'm having a hard time getting out my x-acto knife. I was hoping you might be able to add a little impetus to my customising efforts. If you could just send me a few words of encouragement I know I could get down to work.
Thank you very much for taking time out from your busy schedule to read this bothersome email.
Yours sincerely,
Rufus Cartwright

Regular readers may recall my last letter, concerning the origin of treasury tags. Sadly however the treasury never wrote back.

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