Monday, January 19, 2004

Research Day:
What the crap does M&M stand for?
Answer: Mars and Murrie

Who invented treasury tags?
Answer: Who knows, not Google.

Who first ordered eggs benedict?
Answer: Either Lemuel C. Benedict or Mrs LeGrand Benedict. The two branches of the family are still arguing about it here and here.

Who were the first two members of the mile high club?
Answer: Mr Lawrence Sperry and Mrs Waldo Polk

Did the writers of Friends invent the phrase "going commando"?
Answer: No
This one had bothered me for 8 years, so good to finally know that it was 80's college slang.

Not content with failure I have emailed the treasury bureaucrats to this effect, I expect an urgent reply:

Dear Sirs,
I know this is not strictly relevant to your important public work, but I have a burning question. Do you know why treasury tags are called treasury tags? I have searched in vain on the internet. I naturally assume from the name, and their relative popularity on our side of the Atlantic that they must have originated near Whitehall. Please could you help me find out who invented this handy item of stationary, and whether they worked in Her Majesty's Treasury.

Yours faithfully,
Rufus Cartwright

Before you balk, I deliberately subtly misspelled "stationery", and omitted the "Dr" so they would think it was from an inquisitive child, not a moronic time waster like me.

Many many fine links go rejected by my highly discerning internet eye before I deign to bother you with true gold. Here for your amusement: Ben Affleck's Stupid Car

Update at Beez Fanz. Don't even think about missing the Feb 4th gig.

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