Thursday, January 29, 2004

Last night saw The Ruffness headlining Cargo. This near legendary Scottish band have never played London Village before. Naturally the turn out was huge. The club was packed with baying fans, including a number of celebrities. I'm not one to name drop, but swigging beer near the bar was one Jon Bon Jonas, Sweden's finest Bon Jovi impersonator. As ever I didn't get my shizzle togizzle and missed the support act. Apparently they were hot though.

The Ruffness themselves are famed for their rock-n-roll lifestyle. Their tour bus was destroyed at a recent gig after a horrific pile-up. Surprising then, that they made it to Shoreditch intact. They played an hour-long set, featuring most of their now classic repertoire. Their two EPs are a funksploding mix of anthemic dance tracks and bluesy "ballads". They fall outside of a conventional genre, but being a lazy webhack I'd say they are: A. Like James Brown crossed with Roni Size, or B. Like Manu Chao on acid. Right that's enough cheap similes. Essentially they rocked Cargo from top to bottom and back again. The crowd were with them all the way stomping and gyrating throughout. This is probably their last London gig for some time, but you should rush out and buy the E.P.s now.

I am exhausted by two straight nights of hard drinking. If I'm not staying home to hear The Beastie Boys on Zane Lowe's show, tonight at 1900GMT, I'll be at Gabriel Coxhead's book launch. He has my congratulations for finally being published, just 4 short years after graduating.

PS For everyone who keeps searching this site to find out if Hiroshi Fujiwara really had a cameo in Lost in Translation. Yes, I read that too, and no I didn't spot him either. He's not in the credits, but apparently he's seated next to Scarlet Johansson in one of the club scenes. Anyway the DVD is out on Monday, so you'll all be able to check for yourselves.
PPS For all those hunting for pictures of Cam's Range Rover. I'm too good to y'all. Here are the pictures.

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